The publication was featured in Actualidad Avipecuaria, a Peruvian magazine that brings together the most complete information on the poultry sector. It is divided into two parts, I and II, and addresses aspects related to the complex management of mycotoxins in poultry production, including effects on profitability and prevention and control measures. It is an international article, bringing together researchers from Brazil (Adriano O. Mallmann, Technical Director of Pegasus Science) and Peru (Zoila C. Adaniya, Independent Technical Consultant) who possess technical knowledge and, therefore, treat this relevant theme objectively and forcefully. The data presented results from several years of studies in laboratories that are international reference in the field of mycotoxicology, LAMIC and SAMITEC, and illustrate aspects related to the binomial mycotoxins-poultry production: analyzes; contaminated food; biological effects; economic impact; management; sampling of inputs; interpretation of the results (Mycotoxins Risk); and control decisions. It is Pegasus Science once again making itself present in the international technical-scientific community.

Enjoy your reading!